Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Number the Stars: Day 2

Grade Level: 6

Objective: Student will continue reading Number the Stars, focusing on fluently reading aloud, understanding vocabulary, and analyzing point of view and author foreshadowing.

Today we...
-Looked up vocabulary words (contempt, exasperated, imperious, intricate, sabotage) from Number the Stars in Webster's High School Dictionary and discussed and recorded the definitions
-Read chapters 4 and 5 aloud in Number the Stars, discussing plot points and pausing to reflect on chapter headings, foreshadowing, and setting
-Watched a short video about Tivoli gardens in Copenhagen and visited the Tivoli gardens website
-Learned about first person, second person, and third person limited, omniscient and objective, analyzing how the use of first person limited point of view in Number the Stars creates suspence
-Looked through the library for books with first, second, and third person limited, omniscient, and objective narrators

Outside of class:
-Write about a time when you're had to be couragous

Major Discussion questions:
(taken from The Glencoe Literature Library Study Guide for Number the Stars)

-Contrast the fantasy world of the fairy tale Annemarie tells Kirsti with the reality of the world the girls know. Why might Kirsti be especially in need of hearing fairy tales? Why might fairy tales be comforting to Annemarie?

 -Lowry presents events through the eyes of Annemarie. How does Annemarie’s incomplete understanding of events help create suspense? Give an example from the novel.  

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