Thursday, November 21, 2013

Facts for Pie

Geography Week Facts 
(given to us by members of our community in exchange for apple pie):

-Washington State has more glaciers than the other 47 contiguous states combined. (Linda)
-Equatorial Guinea is the only country in Africa to have Spanish as its official language (Hunter)
-The Mariana Trench is the deepest spot in the ocean, 35,760 feet below sea level (Nate)
-“Home on Range” is the official state song of Kansas (Eva)
- Azkaban (the prison in Harry Potter) is named for a small lake in Russia (Abbey)
-Crater Lake is the deepest lake in the United State.  At one point it was a 14,000+ foot mountain, which imploded into itself (Lisa)
-The reason they know that the earth’s magnetic poles flip is that they’re able to look at minerals within an ocean trench to see evidence of the change (Andrew L)
-In the 1800s the New Madrid fault line caused an earthquake in the Midwest that was felt in New York (Andrew L)
-The Red River in Minnesota flows North.  You can travel from Minnesota to Hudson Bay on it. (Andrew K)
-Northeast Iowa is called the “driftless” region because the glaciers scraped the rest of Iowa flat but missed the driftless region leaving it forested and rolling (Peter)
-Harney Peak in South Dakota is 7,244 feet—it is the highest peak in the U.S east of the Rockies (Dale)
-There’s a town in Quebec, Canada called La Tuque named after a hill that looks like a Tuque (James)
-The first place you can see the sunrise in the United States is on the top of Cadillac Mountain on Mount Desert Island in Arcadia National Park (Andy)
-In Northern Minnesota there’s a lake called Cass Lake—it has an island called Star island—it’s the only freshwater lake with an island with a freshwater lake inside of it (Claire)
-Vatican City is the smallest country (Sharon)
-48 of Montana’s 52 counties are considered frontier counties, which means that there are less than 6 people per square mile (Tressa)
-In 1888 Helena, Montana had more millionaires per capita than anywhere else in the U.S. (Tressa)
-The lowest point on land you can stand on is the beach of the Dead Sea—it’s about 1,500 feet below sea level (David)
-A device for remembering coastal countries in Africa from Egypt, around the west coast of the country, ending with Equatorial Guinea: Every Lotto Ticket a moron wins my sister guzzles great glasses of slurpy leaving ice globs tightly bonded near the crystal’s edge. (Rosa)
-If you drained Lake Chelan it would cover Washington at a depth of 4 inches (Chris)
-In North Central Mauritania, there’s something called a Richat structure that’s 31 miles in diameter—it’s a symmetrical uplift made by erosion that you can see from space (Lisa)
-In Papua New Guinea there are over 800 languages and dialects (Janine)
-The Northernmost point of the continental United States is in Minnesota.  However you can’t get there by car—you either have to boat or by way of Canada (Ellen)
-The two cities I lived in before coming here were on the Mississippi River (Ellen)
-The hottest temp ever to be recorded in the world is believed to be 134 degrees F in Furnace Creek Ranch, CA recorded on 10/7/1913 (Bonnie)
-The shortest river in North America is the Chelan River (Rosa)
-It’s 550 miles to hike from Oregon to Canada on the PCT (Natalie)
-If you drilled a hole through the middle of the world straight through (from where we are now) you would end up in the Indian Ocean, right off the coast of Madagascar (Cindy)

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