Friday, November 8, 2013

Grading Contract

Grade Level: 6
Objective:  To create a learner-centered grading system that gives students a sense of agency

(inspired by a grading system researched and utilized by Professor Schuette of Valparaiso University)


We will be using an evaluation method called “contract grading.”  This method entails an agreement between student and teacher about the work necessary to achieve a particular grade.  For our class, this means that if you fully participate in the list of activities, assignments and behaviors below, I guarantee you’ll receive a final grade of B.  Don’t mistake this for an easy grade.  The list will challenge you, and because the activities assignments and behaviors are designed to help you improve meeting that challenge will mean you have earned your B. 

I expect you to…
(General Expectations)

-Come to class on time and ready to learn

-Be an example for younger students in both behavior and academic curiosity

-Keep class materials well-organized, using binders and folders to keep track of all work

-Log daily learning in your learning log

(Language  Arts)

-Use the writing process to complete your essay on The Giver and other assignments which will follow
-Your essays should have: a catchy introduction, an argumentative thesis, and three well organized body paragraphs, using appropriate transitions, and formal style
-Your essays should be well-edited and thoughtfully written, using vivid and precise language

-Continue working on your creative writing projects, including a song writing project you started
-Your work should be original and thoughtful, intended for an audience beyond our school.  I want to work with you to send out writing to magazines and journals.  I would also love to have the opportunity to watch you read or perform pieces you work on in class at community events.

-Begin reading and logging your reading outside of the work we do in class.

-Continue to engage with in class readings in an analytical way.


-Work with John to learn new material

-Work with me to teach the second graders, making content understandable for younger students through demonstrations and experiments you will help facilitate

-Document work we’ve done with the second graders through making posters, Powerpoints, and other visual and written records of classwork

-Work independently on other science-based projects (like your Glacier Peak Powerpoint) using research and presentation skills to produce quality representations of the research and learning you’ve done

(Social Studies)

-Engage with your textbook in a thoughtful way, demonstrating your non-fiction reading skills

-Complete all projects with care, paying attention to details like craft and copy-editing

-Cite all sources on projects and complete work in a timely manner

-Demonstrate an understanding of concepts presented and an ability to talk about history, geography, civics, and politics not only in class but in casual conversation

The absence of a grade on your work does not imply the absence of my feedback.  I will give you comments and suggestions geared toward helping you improve your writing, your posters, your Powerpoints, and your projects.

What about grades other than a B?  Well, keep in mind that you will receive a lower course grade for not fulfilling the contract.  If you don’t complete any aspect of the list, your grade will be lowered accordingly.  On the other hand, if you fulfill the contract and the quality of your final projects and papers excels in its use of style and form, takes risks and is free of typographical errors, you can receive a course grade higher than a B. 



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