Sunday, November 17, 2013

Today I Learned (11/12-11/15)

In order to continue my own learning and encourage life-long learning habits among Holden students, I started posting daily facts on a "Today I Learned" board I posted on the library door.  I'm only a couple days in, but I enjoy the ritual and have gotten positive feedback from the students I teach.

Here's the first few facts I found:
(thanks to Reddit's fun "today I learned" forum and some web-based research)

10/12-The world's smallest guitar is 10 micrometers long, about the size of a single cell

10/13-The world's longest living vertebrate is the Greenland Shark, which is thought to live over two hundred years

10/14-"Dore" is Old English word for male bee.  "Dumbledore" is Old English for bumblebee.

10/15-The word "echo" comes from Greek mythology.  Hera, in an act of anger at Echo, took away her voice, allowing her only to repeat the shouted phrases of others.

Library Learning Center

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