Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Practicing the scientific method

Grade: Elementary
Objective: To practice using the scientific method, using Bill Nye's "Do-it-Yourself" science and a number of experiments.

Scientific Method:

1-Ask a question
2-Do background research
3-Construct a hypothesis
4-Test your hypothesis by doing an experiment
5-Analyze your data and draw a conclusion
6-Communicate your results

 Experiment #1:  Does air have pressure?

1-Fill a glass of water
2-Cut out a piece of paper or cardboard slightly bigger than the base of the cup
3-Flip the cup of water onto the cardboard, then flip it back over and release the cardboard 

What happens?  The water doesn't spill

Why?  The air pressure in the room pushes the cardboard up against the glass

Experiment # 2: What happens to water when it changes temperature?

-Fill a bucket with ice water
-Fill a plastic bottle with very hot water
-Dump the hot water in the sink and cap the bottle quickly
-Put the capped water bottle in the ice water

What happens?  The bottle crunches and condenses

Why?  When the bottle is capped it is full of water vapor.  When we submerged it in cold water, the water vapor turns to liquid water (which takes up less space) and the air in the atmosphere crushed the bottle.

Experiment #3: Does gas have weight?

1-Place a paper bag on a scale, balance the scale
2-Pour vinegar and baking soda in a pitcher to form a gas
3-Pour just the gas (not the liquid) into the paper bag
4-Watch the scale for any changes

What happens?  The bag weighs more with the gas in it

Why?  Gas is matter, therefore it has weight

Experiment #4: How strong is an egg?

1-Take an egg and put it between two bottle caps, so you have a flat surface
2-Balance a book on top

What happens?  The book balances
Why?  Eggs are strong structures because of their shape and the way they distribute the weight

Experiment #5: Does my hair generate electricity?

1-Cut a square paper, tape it in a roll
2-Comb your hair very fast
3-Hold the comb near the paper

What happens?  The comb repels the paper

Why?  The extra electrons from your hair give the comb a negative charge

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