Friday, December 6, 2013

Sarah Kay, spoken word poetry, and 10 true things

Grade: 6
Objective: To begin experimenting with new forms of writing through listening to Sarah Kay's TED talk about spoken word poetry and trying one of the exercises she does with her Project Voice students.

10 things I know to be true by K., Grade 6

1. The impossible is possible  
2. There are 60 precious seconds in a minute 
3. I love to perform my talents 
4. The sky is the limit 
5. A small child could change the world 
6. Sometimes you have to run before you can walk 
7. A cool drink will stop the sweat 
8. Nature is the wind that blows our sails  
9. A tree needs roots to grow 
10. Percussion has melody  

10 Things I know to be true by Rachael B., age 27

1.  My favorite sound is the sound of fingers shifting on guitar strings.
2. When I move to a new place, planting something makes the ground feel more stable.
3. Prairies need to burn to grow.
4.  A haircut makes me feel new.
5.  Dancing is easier when I’m wearing a costume.
6. A hot shower restores my energy more quickly than a cup of coffee.
7. You can’t learn what you don’t feel.
8. Birds are birds because they have feathers.
9. Just because you have wings doesn't mean you can fly.
10. There are dozens of bones in the human foot which help us to move across the earth and feel the ground beneath us.

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