Thursday, February 6, 2014

Friction, friction, friction

Grade Level: Elementary and Middle School
Objective: To "see" the effects of friction through a series of hands-on experiment
Experiment 1:

1-Take two pieces of paper
2-Crumple up one of the pieces of paper
3-Stand on a chair and drop both pieces 
4-Which falls fastest?  Why?

Experiment 2 (taken from Mythbusters):

1-Take two large paperback books (100+ pages)
2-Interlace the pages from both books together
3-Continue to lace the pages together until they're all combined
4-Try to pull the books apart.  What happens?  Why?

Experiment 3:
1-Fill a water bottle with rice
2-Stick a chopstick in the rice, pull it out.  How easy is it?
3-Tap the water bottle, till the rice settles.  Then add more rice.
4-Stick the chopstick into the rice again.  Try to pull it out.  What happens?  Why?
Lacing book pages together
Preparing experiments

Holding a water bottle up by a chopstick

We also experimented with this toy car, sending it down the ramp with different levels of friction

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