Monday, February 17, 2014

Movement models with Clare: Forest Fires, Glaciers, and Plate Tectonics

Grade Level: Elementary and Middle School

Objective: To reinforce science learning through making "movement models" with dancer and science educator Clare

One of the luckiest things about working in a remote school in a place where people visit and vacation is getting to take advantage of all the talented teachers who come to Holden from all over the country.  Last week, a dancer and teacher named Clare who works in the Chicago area teaching students science through dance visited our village. She came into our science class and did several movement models with the students, teaching them how much already know about science by giving them the opportunity to put their knowledge in motion.

Some things I loved about the way Clare taught science:
-She kept the kids' bodies and minds engaged--they spent almost the entire class moving, visualizing, imagining, and problem solving
-She let them puzzle through the questions she asked rather than providing answers.  They learned by struggling, problem solving, and collaborating.
-She engaged almost every learning style.  The kids listened to music, made models with their bodies, and painted each others' movement.

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