Friday, May 16, 2014

Silkworm Update: Ants, Cocoons

This morning when we walked into our classroom we found carnage.  Ants had come into our classroom and decimated an entire box of silkworms.

Luckily, we've been isolating the strongest and the weakest silkworms, separating them into populations we intend to breed and populations we don't want to procreate.  The box the ants attacked was the box of the weakest and most sickly silkworms--none of which had begun to spin cocoons.  

We took measures to prevent another ant attack.  We sprayed the area where the ants had been entering with our classroom with white vinegar, put lids on some of our silkworm boxes, and placed the boxes without lids in trays of water.

Ants killed dozens of silkworms in this box this morning

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