Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Charting Taxonomy

Grade Level: 2nd/6th
Objective: To learn about how scientists sort and classify animals

Today we:
-Learned about vertebrates and invertebrates, sorting classifications of animals between the two categories to create a chart
-Talked about taxonomy and the different methods scientists use to sort animals
-Sorted pictures of different species of animals into their appropriate phylum, creating a hallway sized taxonomy visual
 -Watched Bill Nye's video on invertebrates, taking the DVD quiz together at the end of the video

The following information is quoted from the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014:


-Fish-Cold blooded animals that live in the water.  They breathe with gills, lay eggs, and usually have scales.
-Amphibians- are cold blooded.  Their young live in water and breathe with gills.  Adults live on land and breath with lungs.
-Reptiles- are cold blooded and breathe with lungs.  They live both on land and in the water.
-Birds- are warm-blooded and have feathers and wings.  They lay eggs, breathe with lungs, and are usually able to fly.  Some birds live on land, some in water, some both.
-Mammals- are warm-blooded and feed on their mother’s milk.  They also have skin that is usually covered with hair.  Mammals live both on land and in water.


-Sponges- are a very basic form of animal life.  They live in water and do not move on their own.
-Echinoderms- have external skeletons and live in the water.
-Mollusks- have soft bodies and can live either in or out of shells, on land or in water.
-Arthropods- are the largest group of animals.  They have external skeletons, called exoskeletons, and segmented bodies with appendages.  Arthropods live in water or on land.
-Worms- are soft bodied animals with no true legs.  Worms live in soil.
-Cnidaria- live in the water and have mouths surrounded by tentacles.

Hallway Taxonomy

Sorting and charting vertebrates and invertebrates as a class

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