Thursday, December 5, 2013

Washington 6th Grade Social Studies Standards

An Overview:
In sixth grade, students are ready to deepen their understanding of the Earth and its peoples through the study of history, geography, politics, culture, and economic systems. The recommended context for social studies learning in sixth grade is world history and geography. Students begin their examination of the world by exploring the location, place, and spatial organization of the world’s major regions. This exploration is then followed by looking at world history from its beginnings. Students are given an opportunity to study a few ancient civilizations deeply. In this way, students develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where and when they did and why they declined. Students analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link between the contemporary and ancient worlds.


-Understands a variety of forms of government from the past or present.
-Analyzes how societies have interacted with one another in the past or present.
-Understands the historical origins of civic involvement. 


- Analyzes the costs and benefits of economic choices made by groups and individuals in the past or present. 
-Understands the production, distribution, and consumption of goods, services, and resources in societies from the past or in the present. 
-Understands how the forces of supply and demand have affected international trade in the past or present. 
-Understands the role of government in the world’s economies through the creation of money, taxation, and spending in the past or present. 
-Understands the distribution of wealth and sustainability of resources in the world in the past or present. 


-Understands the physical characteristics, cultural characteristics, and location of places, regions, and spatial patterns on the Earth’s surface. 
-Identifies the location of places and regions in the world and understands their physical and cultural characteristics. 
-Understands and analyzes how the environment has affected people and how people have affected the environment in the past or present. 
-Understands the characteristics of cultures in the world from the past or in the present. 
-Understands the geographic factors that influence the movement of groups of people in the past or present.
-Understands that learning about the geography of the world helps us understand the global issue of sustainability. 


-Understands historical chronology. 
-Understands how the rise of civilizations defines eras in ancient history
-Understands and analyzes how individuals and movements from ancient civilizations have shaped world history. 
-Understands and analyzes how cultures and cultural groups in ancient civilizations contributed to and impacted world history. 
-Analyzes and interprets historical materials from a variety of perspectives in ancient history. 
-Analyzes multiple causal factors that shape major events in ancient history. 
-Analyzes how an event in ancient history helps us to understand a current issue. 


-Evaluates the significance of information used to support positions on an issue or event. 
-Creates and uses research questions to guide inquiry on an historical event
-Analyzes the validity, reliability, and credibility of information from a variety of primary and secondary sources while researching an issue or event. 
-Engages in discussions that clarify and address multiple viewpoints on public issues. 
-Understands and demonstrates the ethical responsibility one has in using and citing sources and the rules related to plagiarism and copyright. 

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