Thursday, May 8, 2014

Our hands: A group poem by Holden elementary and middle school students

Grade Level: Elementary and Middle School

Objective: To begin thinking about detail, analogy, and metaphor through looking at and writing about our hands. (Inspired by:  Finding Your Sense of Place Through Observation, Art, Journaling and Poetry

Today we:
-Looked at our hands using a microscope
-Listed things our hands reminded us of
-Compared lists
-Collaborated to write a group poem

Our hands remind us of... by Holden Elementary and Middle School students

Rivers flowing in, out, around
polluted waters underground

We think of our hands and the grooves in our skin
 remembering clear waters we were baptized in

our hands make us think of the land
of canyons and valleys and dry desert sands

our hands are road maps, spiders, bamboo
when we look at them close, our hands are made new.

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