Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Silkworm dying experiment: Day 1

Grade Level: 6

Objective: To practice using the scientific method through an experiment using our silkworms

Over the past several weeks we've been raising (over 500!) silkworms as both a science experiment and social studies learning experience.  (We're currently studying Ancient China.)  During that time, we've isolated our largest, heartiest, and healthiest specimens--in order to prevent disease.  Also, we  hope our best silkworms will breed with each other, resulting in healthier eggs.

Today (with the help of our friend Becky) we decided to try an experiment with some of our (less healthy) silkworms.  We've read that silkworms spin colored silk if their caretakers dye their food using food coloring.  We decided to add blue dye to one of our boxes and red beet powder to another.

Question: What will happen when we add dye to our silkworm chow?

Procedure: We added blue coloring to one box and red beet powder to another

Hypothesis:  The silkworms fed with blue coloring will turn blue.  The ones fed with red beet powder will remain the same color.

Red dye
Blue dye

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