Grade Level: High School
Guiding Question: What's environmental about food?
"We can't deny that suffering is part of eating, for all of us. Even if we don't consume flesh, we can't look away from the implications our actions have in the pursuit of this death. Vegetarians who purchase meat substitute products are simply eating a different product made by multinational corporations that also raise and kill livestock. Even produce sold at alternative grocery stores is often picked by underpaid workers in near-slave-labor conditions. Even a small-scale, organic, family-owned vegetable farm, using natural pest control methods kills insects and worms. If we acknowledge we are part of the web of life, we must also acknowledge that any action we take to feed ourselves is inherently disruptive of that web. To look away is, I think, to abdicate responsibility. Ignoring the death of the buffalo is to ignore our own death, to forget that we are still animals, caught in the intricate web of survival, a complex dance about the quality of an animal's life, the conditions and dignity of a death."-Marissa Landrigan, "Elk Country" from Orion Magazine
Today, I asked students to come up with discussion questions, and we talked all class period about the structure and content of Landrigan's essay. We discussed her use of research an non-linear structure and pondered the different ways food writing can be environmental.
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Friday, December 13, 2013
Thursday, December 12, 2013
Environmental Literature: Unit 2-American Eaters (Farmers, Hunters, and Thinkers)
“Eating is an agricultural act”-Wendall Berry, "The Pleasures of Eating"
Week 1: December 9-13th
-“Elk Country”
by Marissa Landrigan, from Orion Magazine
Week 2: December 16th-20th
- from “A Sand County Almanac”
by Aldo Leopold (to be followed with the film Green Fire about Leopold’s life)
-Taylor’s choice!
Week 3: December 30th-January 3rd
-Food poetry part
I: to be passed out in class
Week 4: January 6th-10th
-"Consider the lobster" by David Foster Wallace
Environmental Literature--our last day of wandering
Grade Level: High School
Objective: To finish our unit on American "wanderers" with a podcast and a discussion of the different places and people we've "wandered" with so far this semester.
"The last night I spent on the road, I was camped out in the forest 20 miles from the ocean. I set up the tent for the last time. And I ate my last dinner from the food bag. There were cars passing me on the road. And I had this thought, if I were in one of those cars right now looking into this dark forest, I'd probably think it was a scary place. But I'm in the forest. And I know it's not a scary place." -Andrew Forsthoefel, This American Life
Today we:
-Discussed the scope of our first unit, and the similarities and differences between the writers we've encountered
-Listened to the first segment of This American Life 494: "Hit the Road" about Andrew Forsthoefel and his walk across America
-Talked about Andrew's walk in the context of environmental writers we've read so far this semester, addressed the questions: What does it mean to wander in an urban environment? What does it mean to wander with other people?
-Began reading Marissa Landrigan's essay "Elk Country" for our upcoming unit on "Eaters"
Objective: To finish our unit on American "wanderers" with a podcast and a discussion of the different places and people we've "wandered" with so far this semester.
"The last night I spent on the road, I was camped out in the forest 20 miles from the ocean. I set up the tent for the last time. And I ate my last dinner from the food bag. There were cars passing me on the road. And I had this thought, if I were in one of those cars right now looking into this dark forest, I'd probably think it was a scary place. But I'm in the forest. And I know it's not a scary place." -Andrew Forsthoefel, This American Life
Today we:
-Discussed the scope of our first unit, and the similarities and differences between the writers we've encountered
-Listened to the first segment of This American Life 494: "Hit the Road" about Andrew Forsthoefel and his walk across America
-Talked about Andrew's walk in the context of environmental writers we've read so far this semester, addressed the questions: What does it mean to wander in an urban environment? What does it mean to wander with other people?
-Began reading Marissa Landrigan's essay "Elk Country" for our upcoming unit on "Eaters"
Grade: Elementary
Objective: To learn what distinguishes birds from the rest of the animal kingdom and to practice grouping and observing like scientists.
Objective: To learn what distinguishes birds from the rest of the animal kingdom and to practice grouping and observing like scientists.
Wednesday, December 11, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Practicing the scientific method
Grade: Elementary
Objective: To practice using the scientific method, using Bill Nye's "Do-it-Yourself" science and a number of experiments.
Experiment #1: Does air have pressure?
1-Fill a glass of water
2-Cut out a piece of paper or cardboard slightly bigger than the base of the cup
3-Flip the cup of water onto the cardboard, then flip it back over and release the cardboard
What happens? The water doesn't spill
Why? The air pressure in the room pushes the cardboard up against the glass
Objective: To practice using the scientific method, using Bill Nye's "Do-it-Yourself" science and a number of experiments.
1-Ask a question
background research
3-Construct a
4-Test your
hypothesis by doing an experiment
your data and draw a conclusion
your results
Experiment #1: Does air have pressure?
1-Fill a glass of water
2-Cut out a piece of paper or cardboard slightly bigger than the base of the cup
3-Flip the cup of water onto the cardboard, then flip it back over and release the cardboard
What happens? The water doesn't spill
Why? The air pressure in the room pushes the cardboard up against the glass
Monday, December 9, 2013
Celery experiment--how a plant transports water
Grade Level: Elementary
Objective: To understand how plants transport water and nutrients
We began an experiment using celery and food coloring on Friday. Today, we got to see the results. The kids observed how the red food coloring had tinted the entire stalk of celery. When we cut the celery stalks open we could see the xylems (the tubes plants use to transport water) were dyed red.
Friday, December 6, 2013
Plant experiments and an inventory of what we know
Grade(s): 2nd/6th
Objective: To use the scientific method to conduct two experiments about plants and to review what we've learned
Experiment 1--Fill a mason jar with lettuce and water, flip the jar over into a pie pan, leave the jar in the sun for at least a day, observe what happens
Experiment 2--Cut celery and place it in a cup, partially fill the cup with food coloring and water, leave the celery in the colored water for at least a day, observe what happens
Objective: To use the scientific method to conduct two experiments about plants and to review what we've learned
Experiment 1--Fill a mason jar with lettuce and water, flip the jar over into a pie pan, leave the jar in the sun for at least a day, observe what happens
Experiment 2--Cut celery and place it in a cup, partially fill the cup with food coloring and water, leave the celery in the colored water for at least a day, observe what happens
What we know about plants (an inventory by M and M and K):
a species of plants called geraniums.
need water.
have rectangular cells, with cell walls.
get their energy from the sun. (Plants
eat sun!)
are green because of their chlorophyll.
turn yellow, red, and orange in the fall because they stop photosynthesizing
because there are shorter days and less sun.
need nutrients from the soil
grow from seeds that they make and spread.
plants have both female and male parts
(When we finished our inventory we printed all our facts in green and taped them around our library garden)
Sarah Kay, spoken word poetry, and 10 true things
Grade: 6
Objective: To begin experimenting with new forms of writing through listening to Sarah Kay's TED talk about spoken word poetry and trying one of the exercises she does with her Project Voice students.
10 things I know to be true by K., Grade 6
Objective: To begin experimenting with new forms of writing through listening to Sarah Kay's TED talk about spoken word poetry and trying one of the exercises she does with her Project Voice students.
10 things I know to be true by K., Grade 6
1. The impossible is possible
2. There are 60 precious seconds in a minute
3. I love to perform my talents
4. The sky is the limit
5. A small child could change the world
6. Sometimes you have to run before you can walk
7. A cool drink will stop the sweat
8. Nature is the wind that blows our sails
9. A tree needs roots to grow
10. Percussion has melody
Things I know to be true by Rachael B., age 27
1. My favorite sound is the sound of fingers shifting on guitar strings.
When I move to a new place, planting something makes the ground feel more
Prairies need to burn to grow.
4. A haircut makes me feel new.
5. Dancing is easier when I’m wearing a costume.
A hot shower restores my energy more quickly than a cup of coffee.
You can’t learn what you don’t feel.
Birds are birds because they have feathers.
Just because you have wings doesn't mean you can fly.
There are dozens of bones in the human foot which help us to move across the
earth and feel the ground beneath us.
Thursday, December 5, 2013
Evolution, TED Talks, Radiolab, and Comic Strips
Grade Level: 6
Objective: To learn about DNA, evolution, geography, and human history through studying the first hominids.
K and I have been studying evolution for the past couple weeks. In 6th grade, evolution arises in both the science and social studies curriculum. We've read The Human Story: Our Evolution from Prehistoric Ancestors to Today, watched to Louis Leakey's Ted Talk on hunting for hominid fossils in Eastern Africa, we listened to Radiolab's podcasts about Ötzi and Kanzi the bonobo at the Great Ape Trust.
K has been working on a comic strip to demonstrate his learning---he's not done yet but I'm pretty excited about his work so far...
Objective: To learn about DNA, evolution, geography, and human history through studying the first hominids.
K and I have been studying evolution for the past couple weeks. In 6th grade, evolution arises in both the science and social studies curriculum. We've read The Human Story: Our Evolution from Prehistoric Ancestors to Today, watched to Louis Leakey's Ted Talk on hunting for hominid fossils in Eastern Africa, we listened to Radiolab's podcasts about Ötzi and Kanzi the bonobo at the Great Ape Trust.
K has been working on a comic strip to demonstrate his learning---he's not done yet but I'm pretty excited about his work so far...
Washington 6th Grade Social Studies Standards
An Overview:
In sixth grade, students are ready to deepen their understanding of the Earth and its peoples through the study of history, geography, politics, culture, and economic systems. The recommended context for social studies learning in sixth grade is world history and geography. Students begin their examination of the world by exploring the location, place, and spatial organization of the world’s major regions. This exploration is then followed by looking at world history from its beginnings. Students are given an opportunity to study a few ancient civilizations deeply. In this way, students develop higher levels of critical thinking by considering why civilizations developed where and when they did and why they declined. Students analyze the interactions among the various cultures, emphasizing their enduring contributions and the link between the contemporary and ancient worlds.
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Charting Taxonomy
Grade Level: 2nd/6th
Objective: To learn about how scientists sort and classify animals
Today we:
-Learned about vertebrates and invertebrates, sorting classifications of animals between the two categories to create a chart
-Talked about taxonomy and the different methods scientists use to sort animals
-Sorted pictures of different species of animals into their appropriate phylum, creating a hallway sized taxonomy visual
-Watched Bill Nye's video on invertebrates, taking the DVD quiz together at the end of the video
The following information is quoted from the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014:
Objective: To learn about how scientists sort and classify animals
Today we:
-Learned about vertebrates and invertebrates, sorting classifications of animals between the two categories to create a chart
-Talked about taxonomy and the different methods scientists use to sort animals
-Sorted pictures of different species of animals into their appropriate phylum, creating a hallway sized taxonomy visual
-Watched Bill Nye's video on invertebrates, taking the DVD quiz together at the end of the video
The following information is quoted from the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014:
-Fish-Cold blooded animals that
live in the water. They breathe with
gills, lay eggs, and usually have scales.
-Amphibians- are cold
blooded. Their young live in water and
breathe with gills. Adults live on land
and breath with lungs.
-Reptiles- are cold blooded and
breathe with lungs. They live both on
land and in the water.
-Birds- are warm-blooded and have
feathers and wings. They lay eggs,
breathe with lungs, and are usually able to fly. Some birds live on land, some in water, some
-Mammals- are warm-blooded and
feed on their mother’s milk. They also
have skin that is usually covered with hair.
Mammals live both on land and in water.
-Sponges- are a very basic form of
animal life. They live in water and do
not move on their own.
-Echinoderms- have external
skeletons and live in the water.
-Mollusks- have soft bodies and
can live either in or out of shells, on land or in water.
-Arthropods- are the largest group
of animals. They have external
skeletons, called exoskeletons, and segmented bodies with appendages. Arthropods live in water or on land.
-Worms- are soft bodied animals
with no true legs. Worms live in soil.
-Cnidaria- live in the water and
have mouths surrounded by tentacles.
Hallway Taxonomy |
Novel vocabulary: an inventory
As part of our reading, K and I often look up vocabulary words we encounter in the novels we read. I wanted to inventory the words we've looked up and written about so far this semester:
Number the Stars:
The Giver:
Tuck Everlasting:
Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Cooking cupcakes and ratios
Grade Level: 6
Objective: To reinforce what we've learned about ratios and conversions while applying math to an everyday activity.
K converted a recipe using ratios and measured ingredients as part of his math class today. While the cupcakes cooked, we did language arts.
Objective: To reinforce what we've learned about ratios and conversions while applying math to an everyday activity.
K converted a recipe using ratios and measured ingredients as part of his math class today. While the cupcakes cooked, we did language arts.
Running outside on a December day
Objective: To keep fit, mentally and physically, by adding running to our regular PE routine once or twice a week.
K goes on a 2.5 mile jog through the mountains after lunch |
-According to a study done by the Department of Exercise Science at the University of Georgia, even briefly exercising for 20 minutes facilitates information processing and memory functions.
-Exercise affects the brain on multiple fronts. It increases heart rate, which pumps more oxygen to the brain. It also aids the bodily release of a plethora of hormones, all of which participate in aiding and providing a nourishing environment for the growth of brain cells.
-Recent research from UCLA demonstrated that exercise increased growth factors in the brain- making it easier for the brain to grow new neuronal connections.
-From a behavioral perspective, the same antidepressant-like effects associated with "runner's high" found in humans is associated with a drop in stress hormones. A study from Stockholm showed that the antidepressant effect of running was also associated with more cell growth in the hippocampus, an area of the brain responsible for learning and memory.
Tuck Everlasting
Objective: To become active, engaged readers able to respond to a text both critically and creatively.
K. and I have been reading Tuck Everlasting for the past couple weeks, a book that we both enjoy for the vivid prose and the mystery. We're ten chapters into the book. Some days we simply read out loud, other days we do written responses to the text, exploring it from different angles. We look up vocabulary words, discuss the book aloud, make predictions, and creatively respond to the text.
Some of my favorite writing prompts we've done so far:
1-Use the prologue of Tuck Everlasting as a model. Write a short piece in which you use weather to metaphorically set the mood.
2-Write about a memory in as much detail as possible. Then reflect on the ways you've changed since then.
3-Write about a time in the past when you were afraid. First write about it from the perspective of the age you were then, then write about it from your perspective now.
My favorite of K's written responses (done for prompt #1)--
The snow falls, softly, not even making a sound when it reaches the ground. The wind howls like a wolf at the dead of night. An old man, walking, in the shadows of the dark trees. No one knows where he’s going just that he’s on a journey. The darkness is his friend. Hunters with long teeth and nimble feet watch him from the trees but, they do not pounce, they have seen him before walking in the dark woods of night. He has a secret, something only he knows, an unusual awareness. An old man walking in the woods, the trees lean over him like they might fall but, they do not. There goes the moon moving over him like a giant ball about to hit a bat. The old man keeps walking.
Facts, Poems, Reading, Writing
Grade: 6/Elementary
Objective: To engage with ecology through reading and poetry, building an imagistic vocabulary for and an empathetic understanding of some of the non-human species in our ecosystem.
K and I have been enjoying the mail-order library, using its resources to learn about social studies, science, history, and poetry. Among our recent favorite books are: The National Geographic Kids Almanac 2014, National Geographic 5,000 Awesome Facts (About Everything), The Human Story: Our Evolution from Our Prehistoric Ancestors, and National Geographic's Book of Animal Poetry.
National Geographic's Book of Animal Poetry features stunning photographs of animals alongside poems about their species, including poetry by Robert Frost, Robert Louis Stevenson, Jane Yolen, Steven Mitchell, and D.H Lawrence.
About a week and a half ago, instead of holding traditional science class, K, M, and I did a combined science/poetry activity where we read poems from the National Geographic collection, looked through field guides, Ranger Ricks, and Zoobooks, and created our own animal-inspired poems. Here are two of them:
Untitled by K.
The quick flap of its wings and it’s off through the night sky.
Swoosh! Over the heads of men and women oblivious to the flying spy. Stealthy and sleek. Off the find food. Asleep in the day inside a sleeping bag of skin, so at the dead of night he can go for a whirl.
A bat.
Hummingbird by M.
This poor hummingbird
has not a single feather
and I bet it can’t fly
but maybe
I made
a little
I forgot it was a picture.
Sunday, December 1, 2013
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