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Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Washington State Standards-6th grade writing, simplified

simplified from:

Grade 6:

In sixth grade, students approach writing with purpose and maintain their focus. They use form, content, technique, and conventions flexibly to meet their own purposes or assignment requirements. Competence is evident in skills of paragraphing, summarizing, and synthesizing in exposition, persuasion, and content-area writing, whereas fiction writing reflects an awareness of its role to entertain, explore human relationships, and persuade. Students work toward precision in spelling in all writing and evaluate honestly both their own work and the work of others, making a concerted effort to improve weak traits. Students consider writing to be an important and effective tool for furthering their own learning.

Writing EALRs: 
(essential academic learning requirements):

EALR 1: The student understands and uses a writing process. 

-Students know how to gather information, journal, and pre-write using a wide-variety of strategies.

-Students draft their writing multiple times, revising and editing using feedback from peers and other reference sources

-Students know how to publish writing in a variety of formats, using graphics when needed.

 EALR 2: The student writes in a variety of forms for different audiences and purposes. 

-Students know how to target a specific audience in their writing, adapting their writing to that audience's needs

-Students know how to write in a variety of modes including writing to analyze, writing to learn, and writing to entertain.

-Students can write in many genres, tracking the genres they've used in a writing log.

 EALR 3: The student writes clearly and effectively. 

-Students analyze ideas, selects a manageable topic, and elaborates using specific, relevant details and/or examples.

-Students develop a clear thesis and an engaging introduction, paragraphs ideas using relevant supporting detail and writes a conclusion that does more than simply restates the introduction.

-Students chose appropriate voice and tone for their writing genre and audience

-Students display a rich vocabulary and uses both literary and poetic devices to enrich their writing

-Students vary sentence structure, length, and cadence.

-Students apply capitalization, spelling, and usage conventions, using references to verify the correctness of their work

 EALR 4: The student analyzes and evaluates the effectiveness of written work.

-Student identifies the effectiveness of both author's writing and their own writing, making necessary changes and adjustments to their own work.

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